Video Premiere: Ten Ton Man – Lifesaver

Ten Ton Man - LifesaverWe are pleased to bring you the premiere of Ten Ton Man’s new video for latest single Lifesaver.

Concentrating as they do on the darker side of life with themes of addiction, alcoholism, loneliness and despair the band are a pretty much hand in glove fit for Mad Mackerel, and have featured in posts a few times in the past.

With echoes of the great Johnny Cash at his best, and built around a stripped back live performance, this song is a perfect example of their gritty, tense, and sometimes downright morose Americana, delivering a perfect juxtaposition of catchy melody and ultimately downbeat lyrics. Frontman Paul Livornese says about the song, “Lifesaver is about a player getting played. Leading a woman on for the sheer joy of the hunt and unwittingly falling for her while all along she was just looking for a fling herself. In a lustful rage, if he can’t have her nobody can…

Watch it in all its monochrome glory here. Visit the band’s website here.


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