MM Premiere: The Honey Ants – Gold Plated

MM Premiere: The Honey Ants - Gold Plated

The marvellous Honey Ants are a duo consisting of John Grimsey and Rebecca Hamer. They are longstanding MM faves and it is a pleasure to be able to bring you the premiere for their new single Gold Plated.

Their unique sound is created from solid folk roots and layered around exquisite bittersweet harmonies with elements of Southern gospel and classic country. In our opinion it has never been better showcased than on this three minute gem which calls to mind the best of the Lumineers or Shovels and Rope.

The band describe the song as being about “trusting people you got no business trusting“. Distinguished by Hamer’s crystal clear vocals and a guitar riff that would get the floor shaking in a Texas roadhouse, Gold Plated is a spirited, strident uptempo rocker that lyrically asks no quarter and gives none in return.

Watch the video or simply stream the song below. You can also catch them at their first headline gig playing the Jazz Quarters in Dalston, London on July 16th – get tickets here.





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