New Videos: Jade Jackson, IDLES, Singapore Sling, Baked & Garrett Pierce

Here is a quick selection of five excellent new videos that have caught our eye (and ears) recently. Jade Jackson creates a sound that is simultaneously new and old, merging a youthful spiritedness with a weary storyteller’s perspective usually reserved for veteran artists. Stylistically the sound is unapologetically country rock. It merges the heartbreak and resilience of Lucinda Williams with the melodic confidence of Emmylou Harris, yet … Continue reading New Videos: Jade Jackson, IDLES, Singapore Sling, Baked & Garrett Pierce

Introducing >>> Baked

We’re loving Mick Jagger, (never imagined we’d be writing that), a six minute epic of resigned, weary psych-rock from rising Brooklyn five-piece Baked. It is the centrepiece of their forthcoming debut album Debt which mixes foggy, laid back psychedelia with flashes of fuzzed-up punk, indie rock and hazy pop to create a sonic whole of hypnotic rhythms and lush instrumentation. This is a record to lay … Continue reading Introducing >>> Baked